Thursday, December 20, 2007

Grace Smells

Pleasent surprises i found while writing this play was that even though the theme of not having a firm identity can b difficult to get across, there is an effective way to do it. Using designators was interesting and fun, because it allowed me to say specifically what i wanted to without having to worry about how it was followed. Also, i'm not sure that i would ever write drama writing, but I could see myself writing satire or journalism of some form, maybe for a newspaper or some other means of publication.

2.My personal essay is about camping this past summer. I learned a lot about land stewardship and how to be responsible for my actions. It could also be about the camp that I work at during the summer. The people that work there are a lot of fun to work with,and they make it a lot of fun. I also learn how to communicate better with people.The rest of what I write in this space will probably be nonsensical, so you can stop reading at this point. it is surprising how when a limit is put on something, or in this case, a minimum word count, it really makes the author change their originally intended message for the sake of reaching a goal. that is all.

3. I would tell them to be observant of things. Too many times people don't look at what is around them enough. And i would encourage them to learn to curve their desires, especially for material goods. It's almost like Buddhism, but not quite with the same intentionality of it. As far as judging others, I would say that you can't judge something until you've tried it. We all do this anyway, but I just think that people are too quick to give a reason why they are right as opposed to looking for reasons that they could be wrong.



Grace said...

Wow. This is great. You have such a wonderful outlook on life and I can tell by your advice that you truly followed that in your youth. I think you also should write about your camping experiences because I think that a lot of you comes from that. (flannel shirts...) but overall great work


Dreese said...

Your a very deep writer and ive noticed that you very much enjoy relating two abstract ideas. Awesome.

David R said...

Great work young man.