Monday, January 7, 2008

Blog: Newest

1. I guess one prinicipal that I have that guides my life is "do what you want to do." What is the point of life if you can't be happy? However, it seems that no one is really happy. People do what they want to do, but in the end that isn't enough to support the lifestyle that they want. It is a cruel paradox that people want to pursue their own passions and interests, but can't because they need to do other tasks to support themselves. That's why I think it is important to have hobbies or other activities that people do. I look at my grandfather, who is retired. He gets out of bed around 11 o'clock, and eats some breakfast. He looks at the stock market, sees what has happened, and goes back to bed. He'll get up to put his dogs out, then takes a shower and gets dressed up. He'll watch several hours of TV, and then go back to his computer. That seems to be a rather unfulfilling lifestyle.
2. Well, recently, three Frenchmen were killed in Mauritania. The terrorists that killed them threatened further action and retribution to the Paris-Dakar rally race if they continued it. The organizers of the event cancelled it for the first time in 30 years. I look at it that if it happened in America, we would rally behind the three people that died and then celebrate our bravery and hold the race, and make a big public scene around it, and it would be viewed as progress in the fight against terrorism.
3.I will be the director of a camp this summer, and i am worried that my staff will not be prepared. It is my responsibility that they are ready to deliver a leadership course. This weekend I was at a "staff development" which we have each month. So I need to make sure that I set a good example for them so that they can achieve at a high level that I need from my staff. That is all.


David R said...

You would make a great camp director, True. You're a shining star.

Grace said...

I think it's great you are leading this summer. I feel with your leadership skills you will have no problem keeping the other staff in line. verrry nice

Dreese said...

You use to many big words for me to understand. Still tho, good job. As always. 612 867 7726